Programmation Orientée Objet en Python
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Introduction: Histoire et Concepts
Introduction: Histoire et Concepts
Histoire de la programmation
Première Structuration des données
Naissance de la POO
Python: tout n’est qu’objet
Python : Simplicité des objets et performance sous-jacente
Classes en Python : Concepts fondamentaux
Travaux Pratiques
Construire sa propre Liste
Construire son propre DataFrame
Encapsulation, Héritage, Composition et Dunder
Encapsulation, Heritage, Composition et Dunder
Encapsulation en Python
Héritage en Python : Concept et intérêt
Héritage vs Composition
Méthodes Dunder en Python
Method: A Fun Exploration
Travaux Pratiques
TP: Heritage avec le pricing d’option
TP : Ajouter des méthodes dunder à DataFrameSimple
TP : Étendre la classe Liste avec des méthodes dunder
TP: Dunder Method with Tensor for Automatic Differentiation
Polymorphisme et Surcharge
Polymorphisme et Surcharge
Polymorphism in Object-Oriented Programming
Polymorphism in Python: Function Overloading and Type Checking
Class Creation: Standard vs type()
Type Hinting, Typing Module, and Linters in Python
Abstract Classes
Protocol Classes
Travaux Pratiques
Design Patterns
The decorator pattern
Decorator Practically
Built-in Decorators and Standard Library Decorators in Python
Practical Decorators in Python Libraries
Travaux Pratiques
TP: Monte Carlo Option Pricing with Decorators
TP: Optimizing Heston Model Monte Carlo Simulation
Project Management and Packaging
Project and Package
Organizing Python Projects
Understanding imports
Python Package Management and Virtual Environments
Unit Testing in Python
Travaux Pratiques
TP: Creating a Linear Regression Package
Design Patterns
OOP Design Patterns
Python-Specific Design Patterns
Creation Design Patterns
Structural Design Patterns
Behavioral Design Pattern
Travaux Pratiques
Sujets de Projets possibles
Projets POO - 2024-2025
Code source
Polymorphisme et Surcharge
Remi Genet
Les cours de cette partie sont:
Abstract Classes
Learn about abstract classes in Python, how to define and use them, and the benefits of using abstract classes for creating a common interface and enforcing method…
Remi Genet
Class Creation: Standard vs type()
Compare standard class creation with dynamic creation using type() in Python, understanding their equivalence and potential issues.
Remi Genet
Polymorphism in Object-Oriented Programming
Learn about polymorphism in object-oriented programming (OOP), including method overriding, runtime polymorphism, and how it enables flexible and extensible code structures.
Remi Genet
Polymorphism in Python: Function Overloading and Type Checking
Learn how to achieve polymorphism in Python through function overloading, type checking, and class-based polymorphism
Remi Genet
Protocol Classes
Learn about Protocol classes in Python, how to define and use them, and the advantages of using Protocols for defining interfaces and structural subtyping.
Remi Genet
Remi Genet
You need to implement methods and functionalities for a
class. The class should handle the operations of initializing the portfolio with financial…
Remi Genet
Type Hinting, Typing Module, and Linters in Python
Learn about type hinting in Python, the typing module, and how to use linters for static type checking to improve code quality and maintainability.
Remi Genet
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Polymorphism in Object-Oriented Programming